We take pleasure in attentively listening to the challenges faced by organisations and offering assistance in devising solutions. Our commitment revolves around delivering enduring, sustainable solutions within organizations. We prioritize solutions that empower employees to actively participate and, more importantly, to remain engaged.
Our approach is grounded in the intersection of culture and safety. When tasked with enhancing "safety," we inherently consider the culture within the organization, as these two elements are inherently intertwined.
For us, culture encapsulates the collective habits and behavioural norms intrinsic to a community, be it a company or an organisation. These cultural traits are molded and upheld by underlying beliefs and assumptions. We enthusiastically engage in conversations to collaboratively explore the pivotal relationships within companies, whether they are consciously or subconsciously influential. Our aim is to collectively determine whether we can cultivate a culture where safety is a paramount concern.
Safety, in our perspective, emerges as a direct outcome of the prevailing organisational culture. Within an organisation where achieving shared objectives is a shared mission, employees tend to feel deeply engaged and assume greater accountability for their actions. Consequently, safety naturally becomes a more inherent aspect of operations.
What can you contact Artemas for? A selection of the questions we have received from customers in recent years.
Doen jullie iets aan crisismanagement?
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Jazeker. We helpen nieuwe organisaties hun crisismanagement systeem te ontwikkelen en op te zetten. We ondersteunen organisaties om het up to date te houden. We verzorgen opleidingen en trainingen om de basis vorm te geven en het niveau vast te houden. Ook verzorgen we specifieke opleidingen voor rollen binnen het crisisteam bijvoorbeeld loggers, voorzitters en communicatiespecialisten.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
We hebben een nieuwe opdracht gekregen en willen dat daar veiliger gewerkt wordt dan er nu gebeurt. Kunnen jullie daar iets in betekenen?
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Een vraag die ons vaker gesteld wordt en ja daar komen we graag voor langs. Laten we starten met een kennismaking en voor ons belangrijk om te horen wat ‘de vraag achter de vraag’ is.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Kunnen jullie als Artemas de HSE afdeling van onze organisatie worden?
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Ja, dat kan zeker. Daar zijn verschillende mogelijkheden voor en dat start met een kennismaking. Ga naar ons contactformulier.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Wij willen een kwaliteitssysteem, kunnen jullie ons daarbij helpen?
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Wij helpen organisaties graag met het opzetten van een kwaliteitssyteem. ISO 9001 is de basis die we vaak als uitgangspunt gebruiken maar alle normeringen die er zijn kunnen we volgen en gebruiken. Wat we altijd doen tijdens het opzetten van kwaliteitssystemen is het gezamenlijk met de klant vorm en inhoud geven. Het is het systeem waar de klant mee gaat werken en we willen dat het geen papieren tijger wordt maar een systeem wat je werkelijk ondersteunt. We zijn als Artemas verantwoordelijk voor een aantal kwaliteitssystemen bij verschillende organisaties onder andere BlueTack.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Er is een incident gebeurt dat moet geëvalueerd worden kunnen jullie dat voor ons doen.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Voor ongevalsonderzoek mag je zeker bellen. Wij kunnen dat verzorgen en we werken met verschillende partners die zich in ongevalsonderzoek gespecialiseerd hebben.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
We moeten opeens op het poolgebiedeen opdracht uitvoeren bij -40 graden. Kunnen jullie een training ontwikkelen voor de mensen die daarheen moeten?
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Wij hebben een heel groot netwerk aan specialisten en vakmensen. Welke vraag er ook bestaat over safety, veiligheid, we gaan op zoek naar een antwoord. En we zullen aangeven als we zelf niet over de benodigde kennis, kunde en/of ervaring beschikken. Stel je vraag en we geven graag een antwoord.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
We hebben een nieuwe HSE(Q) manager, kunnen jullie die het eerste jaar begeleiden?
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Het overdragen van kennis en vaardigheden is onderdeel van onze werkwijze. Medewerkers helpen hun eigen vakmanschap te ontwikkelen dat doen wij van nature en met veel plezier. Een nieuwe medewerker begeleiden om in ons vakgebied het vakmanschap op te bouwen doen wij met veel plezier.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
De afdeling HSE moet opnieuw georganiseerd worden kunnen jullie daar wat ik betekenen?
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Net als bij het opzetten van kwaliteitssystemen kunnen we ook helpen bij het opzetten van een HSE(Q) afdeling. En ook hier weer samen met de mensen die het gaan doen. Soms blijven we aangesloten en worden we op één of andere wijze op de lange termijn een vast onderdeel. Dat gebeurt vaak in organisaties die in een opstartfase verkeren of zo klein zijn dat HSEQ geen full-time functie is. Maar ook in grotere organisaties hebben we het gezamenlijk efficiënt georganiseerd en blijven we vaak betrokken.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Of course. We help new organizations to develop and set up their crisis management system. We support organizations to keep it up to date. We provide education and training to shape the basis and maintain the level. We also provide specific training for roles within the crisis team, for example loggers, chairmen and communication specialists.
Als je een keer een kop koffie wil drinken of vragen hebt, dan komen we met plezier bij je langs!
Neem voor vragen en een afspraak contact met ons op via ons contactformulier.